Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi Honors Pakistan Day in Lahore

Lahore, In a heartfelt address on Pakistan Day, Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi paid homage to Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the tireless efforts of the Muslim League, marking the historic moment of the 1940 resolution that laid the groundwork for the nation’s independence.

According to Pakistan Cricket Board, Minister Naqvi reflected on the significance of March 23, acknowledging it as a cornerstone for Pakistan’s freedom, conceived through the dedication and sacrifices of its founding leaders. He emphasized the importance of this day as a symbol of national pride and progress, encouraging citizens to embrace the legacy of their forebears with renewed commitment to the nation’s advancement.

The Minister’s message underscored the enduring value of freedom, attributing Pakistan’s independence to the visionary leadership of Jinnah and the concerted efforts of the Muslim League. He called on Pakistanis to commemorate this pivotal day by rededicating themselves to the ideals of unity, hard work, and patriotism, essential for the country’s prosperity.