‫یو ایس انسټی ټیوټ آف پیس د 2022 ویمن بلډنګ پیس ایوارډ د پاره نامزدګیانو اغاز وکړو۔

کالنی ایوارډ کښې تنازعاتو څخه متاثرہ د ملکونو امن د قائمولو والا ښځو له تسلیموی۔

واشنګټن، 13 جنوری 2022 /پی آر نیوز وائر/ – یو ایس انسټی ټیوټ آف پیس (یو ایس آئی پی) اعلان کړے دے چی د 2022 ویمن بلډنګ پیس ایوارډ د پاره نامزدګیانی کھل پرانستلی شوی۔ دا پروقار سالانہ ایوارډ د هغه ښځو حوصله افزائی کوی چی کوم پرتشدد تنازعات نه متاثرہ ملکونو کښې امن قائم کوی۔

د نامزدګیانو سلسلہ به تر 14 فروری 2022 پوری جاری وی۔ ایوارډ یافتہ ته اکتوبر 2022 کښې د یو ایس آئی پی زیر اہتمام په یو تقریب کښې به مدعو کړی۔

ګڼی شمیری ښځی خپل په کمیونټیز کښې امن قائم کولو د پاره خپل ځان په خطره کښې اچوی۔ انصاف او د شمولیت تحریکونو قیادت کولو باوجود اکثر د دی کوشیشونه نظر انداز شی۔ یو ایس آئی پی د هغی ښځو حمایت او جشن مناولو او د امن ایجنټس په طور باندی د دی اثرات حمایت کولو د پاره مزید کار کولو د پاره پرعزم دے۔ یو ایس آئی پی د غونډی دنیا تنظیمونو او خلقو له دعوت ورکوی هغه د غیر معمولی ښځو شناخت او د دی په عزت افزائی کښې حصہ واخلی کومو خپل ژوند  امن د پاره وقف کڑے دے۔

یو ایس آئی پی د دی ښځو د پاره نامزدګیانو پرزور حوصلہ افزائی کوی کومو اول د امن قائم کولو کار د پاره  تسلیم کړی نه وه۔ د نامزدګیانو جائزہ مندرجہ ذیل معیار په بنیاد باندی به اخستلی کیږی۔

  • امن د پاره وابستګی: یوه داسی ښځه کوم نازک یا تنازعات نه متاثرہ ملک یا خطے کښې تنازعہ له غیر متشدد طریقے سره ودرولو یا حل کولو د پاره خپل کار په ذریعه د امن د عزم اظہار کوی۔
  • غیر معمولی قیادت: یوه داسی ښځه کوم خپل وژن او اختراع په ذریعه غیر معمولی قیادت له مجسم کوی او د امن حصول کښې د نورو عزت حاصل کوی۔
  • شاندار پریکټیشنر: یوه داسی ښځی کوم امن قائم کونکی پریکټیشنر ده او مقامی، قومی یا بین الاقوامی د کمیونټیز ارکانو سره جامع او په شراکتی انداز کښې کار کوی۔
  • خاطر خواہ اثر: یوه داسی ښځه کوم امن قائم کولو سلسلے کښې ټھوس نتائج برآمد شول۔

د 2022 ایوارډ یافتہ انتخاب ویمن بلډنګ به پیس کونسل کوی کوم د ممتاز ماہرینو یو ګروپ دے کوم صنف او د امن قائم کولو معاملات باندے یو ایس آئی پی له مشورہ ورکوی۔

ګزشتہ وومین بلډنګ پیس ایوارډ حاصل کونکو کښې کینیا جوزفین ایکرو او د جنوبی سوډان ریتا لوپیډیا شامل دی۔ 2019 کښې خپل اغاز نه اوس پوری نولس ښځو له یو ایس آئی پی د ایوارډ فائنلسټ په طور باندی تسلیم شوے دے۔

ایوارډ په باره کښې معلومات او یوه ښځه امن ساز له نامزد کولو دپاره ، ملاحظہ کړی www.usip.org/womenbuildingpeace۔

یو ایس آئی پی په باره کښې معلومات د پاره ملاحظہ کړی: https://www.usip.org/about ۔

لوګو: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1274028/United_States_Institute_of_Peace_Logo.jpg  

‫یو ایس انسٹی ٹیوٹ آف پیس نے 2022 ویمن بلڈنگ پیس ایوارڈ کے لئے نامزدگیوں کا آغاز کردیا

سالانہ ایوارڈ میں تنازعات سے متاثرہ ممالک کی امن قائم کرنے والی خواتین کو تسلیم کیا جاتا ہے۔

واشنگٹن، 13 جنوری 2022 /پی آر نیوز وائر/ – یو ایس انسٹی ٹیوٹ آف پیس (یو ایس آئی پی) نے اعلان کیا ہے کہ 2022 کے ویمن بلڈنگ پیس ایوارڈ کے لئے نامزدگیاں کھل گئیں ہیں۔ یہ پروقار سالانہ ایوارڈ ان خواتین کا سراہتا ہے جو پرتشدد تنازعات سے متاثرہ ممالک میں امن قائم کررہی ہیں۔

نامزدگیوں کی سلسلہ  14 فروری 2022 تک جاری رہے گا۔ ایوارڈ یافتہ کو اکتوبر 2022 میں یو ایس آئی پی کے زیر اہتمام ایک تقریب میں مدعو کیا جائے گا۔

ان گنت خواتین اپنی کمیونٹیز میں امن قائم کرنے کے لئے اپنی جان خطرے میں ڈالتی ہیں۔ انصاف اور شمولیت کی تحریکوں کی قیادت کرنے کے باوجود اکثر ان کی کوششوں کو نظر انداز کیا جاتا ہے۔ یو ایس آئی پی ان خواتین کی حمایت اور جشن منانے اور امن کے ایجنٹس کے طور پر ان کے اثرات کی حمایت کرنے کے لئے مزید کام کرنے کے لئے پرعزم ہے۔ یو ایس آئی پی دنیا بھر کی تنظیموں اور لوگوں کو دعوت دیتا ہے کہ وہ غیر معمولی خواتین کی شناخت اور ان کی عزت افزائی میں حصہ لیں جنہوں نے اپنی زندگی امن کے لئے وقف کردی ہے۔

یو ایس آئی پی ان خواتین کے لئے نامزدگیوں کی پرزور حوصلہ افزائی کرتا ہے جنہیں پہلے امن قائم کرنے کے کام کے لئے تسلیم نہیں کیا گیا تھا۔ نامزدگیوں کا جائزہ مندرجہ ذیل معیار کی بنیاد پر لیا جائے گا۔

  • امن کےلئے وابستگی: ایک ایسی عورت جو نازک یا تنازعات سے متاثرہ ملک یا خطے میں تنازعہ کو غیر متشدد طریقے سے روکنے یا حل کرنے کے لئے اپنے کام کے ذریعے امن کے عزم کا اظہار کرتی ہے۔
  • غیر معمولی قیادت: ایک ایسی عورت جو اپنے وژن اور اختراع کے ذریعے غیر معمولی قیادت کو مجسم کرتی ہے اور امن کے حصول میں دوسروں کی عزت حاصل کرتی ہے۔
  • شاندار پریکٹیشنر: ایک ایسی خاتون جو امن قائم کرنے والی پریکٹیشنر ہے اور مقامی، قومی یا بین الاقوامی کمیونٹیز کے ارکان کے ساتھ جامع اور شراکتی انداز میں کام کرتی ہے۔
  • خاطر خواہ اثر: ایک ایسی عورت جس کے امن قائم کرنے کے سلسلے میں ٹھوس نتائج برآمد ہوئے ہیں۔

2022 کی ایوارڈ یافتہ کا انتخاب ویمن بلڈنگ پیس کونسل کرے گی جو ممتاز ماہرین کا ایک گروپ ہے جو صنف اور امن قائم کرنے کے معاملات پر یو ایس آئی پی کو مشورہ دیتے ہیں۔

گزشتہ وومین بلڈنگ پیس ایوارڈ حاصل کرنے والوں میں کینیا کی جوزفین ایکرو اور جنوبی سوڈان کی ریتا لوپیڈیا شامل ہیں۔ 2019 میں اپنے آغاز سے اب تک انیس خواتین کو یو ایس آئی پی نے ایوارڈ کے فائنلسٹ کے طور پر تسلیم کیا ہے۔

ایوارڈ کے بارے میں معلومات اور ایک خاتون امن ساز کو نامزد کرنے کے لئے، ملاحظہ کریں: www.usip.org/womenbuildingpeace ۔

یو ایس آئی پی کے بارے میں معلومات کے لیے ملاحظہ کریں : https://www.usip.org/about۔

لوگو : – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1274028/United_States_Institute_of_Peace_Logo.jpg

Youth says No to rotten system that does not brighten their future

Karachi, January 14, 2022 (PPI-OT): A representative organisation of the youth, Alternate, has said it is better to uproot an education system that does not provide the youth jobs and equal opportunities to education. Addressing a press conference at the Karachi Press Club (KPC) here Friday, the leaders of Alternate said that the youth comprises 63 percent of the total population of Pakistan, and their number as per an estimate is about 14 Crore.

They are 50 percent of 7 Crore labour force of Pakistan and more than 33 percent of total voters of the country. However, there is no policy or planning for development of this active part of the national population. They said presently about 2 Crore 70 Lakh youths are jobless, or do not have any earning, 75 percent of them are females. Every year 445000 youths graduate from the Pakistani universities. About 25000 youths graduate in computer science but their majority could not get proper employment.

They said Pakistan is amongst the countries where educational conditions are the worst. Today about 2.25 Crore children are out of the school and after Nigeria this is the second largest number of the out of the school children. In Pakistan literacy ratio is just 56 percent, which means that after passage of 75 years of its independence the half population of the country is still illiterate. This sad state of affairs presents a worrisome scenario for the present and future of our youths.

To cope with the situation in an organized and well-aware manner the youths belonging to different walks of life has decided to organize themselves on a platform of Alternate. It would provide an alternative thinking and struggle to uproot decaying society. Under the banner of this organisation conscious youths of this country would wage an organized struggle against social, economic, cultural and political injustice in the country. The platform would activate the youths to resolve the issues they face.

This platform would raise a strong voice against diminishing opportunities in educational sector, as well as, useless commercialisation of education and compel the State to discharge its basic constitutional responsibility of giving free, universal and purposeful education to all citizens. They said Alternate would organize the students to get improved standard of education in government schools.

They said that this organisation would struggle for giving jobs to all eligible youths as per their qualifications besides giving vocational training and joblessness allowance to the youths without jobs. This organisation would launch a struggle to resolve the issues of the youths working in factories, industries, offices, shopping malls, markets, government and semi-government organisations and other workplaces and help getting their legal rights.

This organisation would give a voice to the youths working in fields and farms. It is included in the basic objectives of this organisation foil the conspiracy of the elite class to distribute the youth on regional, linguistic, communal, and religious and gender lines so that their attention is diverted from the oppression of this class. It would organize the youths on local, city, province and national levels to wage struggle to attainment of basic facilities of clean potable water, electricity, gas, public transport, schools, hospitals, parks and sewerage treatment.

The speakers said that the departments responsible for providing basic facilities to the masses have become dens of corruption and Alternate would raise a strong voice against this corruption. It would fight for the rights of the downtrodden sections of society like women, transgender people and religious minorities. It will strive to fight growing hopelessness, mental issues and lack of purpose in the youth and arrange healthy activities for them like sports, cultural, literary programs. It would fight against injustice being meted out to all nations and cultural entities living in this country.

They said that Alternate would struggle to get the country rid of economic slavery of capitalism and international financial institutions. It would promote a public opinion against war mongering and religious extremism in the world, particularly this region. It would provide an ideological guidance to the youth to promote democratic values in society. It would raise awareness amongst the youths about environmental changes and make a public opinion against all anti-enviro mental steps and projects. It would become the part of ongoing struggle in the world for peace, freedom, progress and social and environmental justice.

They appealed to the Pakistani youths to join Alternate to become a purposeful and organised force against all injustices and hatreds in our society. Alternate demanded that education from primary to university level should be free and purposeful and available to all citizens. Curriculum should be revised as per modern needs and on scientific basis.

All work eligible youths should be given respectful jobs and till provision of jobs they should be given unemployment allowance. They should be given vocational training on the expenses of government.
The employed youths should be given all facilities as per law including official minimum wages, right to make labour unions and registration with social security and pension institutions. They should not be forced to work more than eight hours a day and they should be paid double overtime.

They demanded to cut non-development expenses and allocate a big share of budget for education and healthcare. All discriminatory laws and social practices against women, children, transgenders and religious minorities should be ended.

All citizens should be considered equal citizens irrespective of their faith, caste and creed. Inhuman treatment being meted out to religious minorities should be ended. All policies and projects that are danger to environment and threat to life on earth should be done away with. Solid steps should be taken to end the arms race in this region.

It is included in the program of Alternate to hold study circles, seminars, youth conferences, press conferences, youth rallies, literary programs besides sports activities, cultural programs, local and foreign study tours and picnic programs for the youth to develop their social and political awareness.

Those spoke included Aqib Hussain (labour leader National Trade Unions Federation), Shehzad Mughal (student), Zainab Nasir (student), Anee Yaqoob (home-based worker), Owais Jatoi (factory worker), Ashfaq Roy (teacher), Aiman (home based worker), Shaima (teacher), Liaquat (Factory Worker) and others.

For more information, contact:
Home Based Women Workers Federation (HBWWF)
726, Mashrique Centre, Block 14, Gulshan-e-Iqbal,
Karachi, Pakistan
Tel: +92-21-37075324
Website: https://hbwwf.org/

Fall 2021 Mid Term Examinations: Request for Rescheduling of Missed/Unplanned paper(s)

Lahore, January 14, 2022 (PPI-OT): A student may request for rescheduling of Missed/Unplanned paper(s) on or before Friday, January 28, 2022. No request will be entertained after the specified date. The rescheduling rules may be accessible through the following link:



1. The re-schedule chance shall be provided only once.

2. Rescheduling fee is non-refundable in any case irrespective of his/her appearance in rescheduled paper(s).

3. The rescheduled paper(s) for both local and overseas students shall be conducted as per the following schedule:

Date of Rescheduled Exam: Sunday, January 30, 2022

4. Fee voucher(s) of prescribed fee shall be payable before the announcement of result.

5. A maximum of Seven (07) papers can be rescheduled in Fall 2021 Mid Term Examinations.


1. Login to VULMS

2. Open VULMS — Student Services — Examinations Department — Apply for Rescheduling of Papers.

(The missed paper(s) will be available for rescheduling after 24 hours of actual paper time)

3. Select Preferred City of Appearance from the drop-down list.

(Overseas Students shall select Preferred City as “Overseas”).

4. Submit Request.

5. Once your request is duly processed, a confirmation email will be sent on your VU email address (Please check Inbox/Spam/Junk-Email) from no-reply@vu.edu.pk.

(University requires at least 24-48 hours for processing your request).

6. Now, you must take a fresh print of your Exam Entrance slip from http://datesheet.vu.edu.pk

In case of any query regarding rescheduling, please contact at:

Email: rescheduling@vu.edu.pk

Telephone: 042-99204760, 042-99203899

WhatsApp: 03000656904 (Queries of Local Students)

WhatsApp: 03000656908 (Queries of Overseas Students)

For more information, contact:
Virtual University of Pakistan (VU)
M.A. Jinnah Campus, Defence Road, Off Raiwind Road,
Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-111-880-880
Fax: +92-42-99200604, +92-42-99202174
Website: www.vu.edu.pk

Seminar on Management and Leadership Skills

Faisalabad, January 14, 2022 (PPI-OT): A seminar was held in joint collaboration of society of textile spinners and society of textile weavers on the topic of Management and Leadership skills on 10th January 2022. Guest speaker “Mr. Shahbaz Akbar” presented in this seminar. Mr. Shahbaz Akbar is working as Human Excellence Consultant at Schuitema, Pakistan. He continued in the field of professional training and has worked with many multi-national companies.

The purpose of this seminar was to raise awareness among the students regarding leadership skills and time management.

The event covered the following topics:

1) Exploration of our attention, intention and care.

2) Basic concept of leadership, care and growth model.

3) Application to self and peer leadership.

Large number of students from weaving and spinning attended this seminar. Different time management activities were performed in the event by worthy Mr. Shahbaz Akbar. The event ended with the vote of Thanks. In the end a shield was presented to the speaker by Dr Talha Ali Hamdani, Coordinator Weaving Section, TE Department.

For more information, contact:
National Textile University (NTU)
Sheikhupura Road, Faisalabad 37610, Pakistan
Tel: +92-41-9230081-90
Fax: +92-41-9230098
Email: info@ntu.edu.pk
Website: http://www.ntu.edu.pk

UET Students Spend A Day Out with Pakistan Army

Lahore, January 14, 2022 (PPI-OT): Pakistan Army Organized an event (A Day Out with Pakistan Army) for the students from various universities to enlighten students on routine functioning of Pakistan Army, its organization and defense capabilities at Lahore. A group of 52 students from UET Lahore along with faculty members also attended the event. The Worthy Vice-Chancellor UET Lahore Prof. Dr. Syed Mansoor Sarwar graced the event with his presence.

Program was followed by a demonstration of combat worthiness of troops, visit to infantry and armour battalion, arms and equipment display including all required supports from various army units during WAR. The students showed keen interest while accompanying army official in tanks and armoured vehicles. The students also praised the state of morale, commitment, and professional competence of the Pakistan Army.

The Chief Guest of the event Lieutenant General Abdul Aziz (Hilal-i-Imtiaz Military) Commander IV Corps Lahore interacted with students and faculty and assured them that Pakistan’s armed forces are well prepared and have the capability to counter the complete threat spectrum. He said the Army will defend each inch of Pakistan, no matter what the cost is.

At the same time Lieutenant General Abdul Aziz (Hilal-i-Imtiaz Military) Commander IV Corps Lahore, advised students to work hard. At this time Major General Muhammad Raza Aizad General Officer Commanding 11 Infantry Division (GOC 11 Inf Div) along with other army officials were also present. Souvenirs between the Army officials and Worthy Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Syed Mansoor Sarwar were also exchanged.

For more information, contact:
Public Relations Officer,
University of Engineering and Technology (UET)
G.T. Road, Lahore – 54890, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-99250274, +92-42-99029358
Cell: +92-321-9467302
Email: tanveerqasim@yahoo.com
Website: www.uet.edu.pk