University of Punjab Reschedules Ph.D. Defense for Abrar ul Haq to

Lahore, The public defense and viva voce examination of Mr. Abrar ul Haq, a Ph.D. candidate in International Relations at the University of Punjab, originally scheduled for , will now take place on due to a local holiday. The examination will be held in the Department of Political Science at 2:00 p.m.

According to University of The Punjab, the rescheduling comes after the university declared a local holiday on the previously set date. Mr. Abrar ul Haq will defend his thesis titled “Politics of Security between Pakistan and India: Challenges for Peace in South Asia,” which he completed under the supervision of Dr. Mubeen Adnan. The defense session is a crucial step in the Ph.D. candidacy, assessing Haq’s research and depth of knowledge in the field of international relations focused on Indo-Pak relations.

The university community and interested public members are invited to attend the session, which contributes to the academic and collaborative environment of the Department of Political Science.
