One-Day Workshop on Real-Time Practical Application of HPLC held at University of Turbat

Turbat, September 02, 2023 (PPI-OT): A One-Day Workshop on handling High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was organized by the Office of Research, Innovation, and Commercialization (ORIC), University of Turbat (UoT) in collaboration with the Department of Natural and Basic Sciences and Chemistry on 31st Augusta 2023. 85 students from the final year of the Department of Natural and Basic Sciences and Chemistry attended the training. Dr. Abdul Hafeez Laghari, Senior Scientific Officer, PCSIR, Karachi was the resource person of the program.

The objective of this workshop was to acquire the knowledge related to chromatographic techniques. A complete theoretical as well as practical knowledge of HPLC, method development, and validation parameters were explained during the training session. Valuable information about the modernized HPLC components, its pumps, column, autosampler, and detectors are imparted. HPLC is applied to the separation and quantitation of components of a mixture of compounds. The training provided exposure to the advances in the field of HPLC to the experienced analyst and both basic and practical aspects to beginners. Wide coverage is given to fundamental concepts of laboratory operations in a lucid manner so that students will find the training as a useful reference for day-to-day laboratory operations.

For more information, contact:

University of Turbat

University Town Ginnah, M-8 Road Turbat,

Balochistan, Pakistan

Tel: +92-852-412045

