Pasban Democratic Party Calls for Wages Tied to Gold, Urges Labor Law Enforcement

Karachi, On International Labor Day, Abdul Hakim Quaid, Vice Chairman of the Pasban Democratic Party (PDP), addressed a protest in North Karachi where he advocated for significant reforms to improve conditions for laborers, including aligning their wages with the value of gold and enhancing the enforcement of labor laws.

According to Pasban Democratic Party, Quaid emphasized the need for the common laborer’s salary to be equivalent to one tola of gold to ensure fair compensation. He also called for the abolishment of elite privileges such as free electricity, gas, and petrol to reduce the cost of basic necessities for the general public.

The event highlighted the challenges faced by workers in unionizing within industrial and educational sectors. Quaid criticized the superficial activities on May Day, such as photo sessions and media appearances, calling instead for substantive legislative action in the assembly to remove barriers to unionization and promote real economic development.

Quaid stressed the importance of a healthy relationship between employers and employees, stating that this is crucial not only for business development but also for the broader economic growth of the country. His speech underscored the teachings of their religion, which advocates paying workers before their sweat dries, questioning why the working class in Pakistan continues to struggle.

The demonstration was attended by other notable figures from the PDP and the community, including Khalid Durrani, Zahid Jameel, Rizwanul Haq, Syed Ahsan, Naveed, and Muhammad Hamid Ansari, who supported these calls for change.
