Karachi, Public Services Decline Amidst Political Rhetoric, Says PDP Chairman

Karachi, Pasban Democratic Party (PDP) Chairman Altaf Shakoor criticized the local government’s handling of municipal services, claiming that a deterioration in conditions is contributing to a rise in diseases and general discontent among the city’s residents. He emphasized the growing problems of illegal constructions, slum proliferation, and inadequate waste management. Shakoor also highlighted the misuse of substantial federal funds that could otherwise aid in transforming Karachi’s infrastructure.

According to Pasban Democratic Party, Chairman Altaf Shakoor denounced the performance of Karachi’s municipal leadership, describing them as more focused on political posturing than on actual governance. The press release detailed Shakoor’s concerns about the rampant illegal constructions and the unchecked expansion of slums, particularly along the M9 Superhighway. He pointed out the failure in garbage collection services, with large heaps of uncollected waste posing health risks, contrasting sharply with successful recycling programs in European countries.

Shakoor also raised concerns about water quality issues due to damaged pipelines and unauthorized water usage, which contribute to the spread of water-borne diseases. He urged the Water Board to address these issues seriously and called for a comprehensive urban development plan to improve living conditions in Karachi. Shakoor proposed that a significant portion of the federal funds designated for Sindh should be specifically allocated to Karachi to help resolve these critical issues.