Islamabad Voices Solidarity with Oppressed on International Day of Al-Quds

Islamabad, In a profound display of unity and support for the oppressed globally, the International Day of Al-Quds will be observed across Pakistan, as announced by the Tehreek-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqah Jafaria Pakistan (TNFJ). This day is set to honor the resilience of those suffering under oppression, particularly in regions like Kashmir and Palestine, and to stand against global colonialism and its impacts.

According to Tehreek Nafaze Fiqhe Jafariya, the Central Secretary General of TNFJ, Allama Raja Bisharat Hussain Emami, underscored the significance of Al-Quds Day as a moment for the Islamic world to fulfill its religious duty by staging peaceful protests across the country. Initiated by Jafaria leader Agha Syed Hamid Ali Shah Mousavi, this day calls for a reevaluation of solutions to the challenges facing the Islamic world through a lens of unity and brotherhood.

Emami praised the government and media’s role in fostering mutual unity among all Islamic schools of thought, particularly during the martyrdom of Ameerul Momineen Hazrat Ali (AS). He asserted that unity and brotherhood serve as the Muslim world’s most potent weapons against oppression.

Furthermore, the TNFJ announced the appointment of convenors across Pakistan to organize events in support of the oppressed. These appointments include Muhammad Ali Al Qasim Zaidi for Sindh, Ghulam Mustafa Chingizi for Balochistan, Professor Samar Abbas Ghaffari for Gilgit and Baltistan, and Syed Sajid Kazmi for Azad Kashmir.

Allama Bisharat Emami reaffirmed the TNFJ’s commitment to justice and the denunciation of cruelty and brutality, highlighting the tradition of observing the last Friday of Ramadan as World Al-Quds Day. He emphasized the continuous efforts of the TNFJ to stand with the oppressed until justice is established and cruelty is eradicated.

This announcement underscores the TNFJ’s dedication to raising awareness and support for those suffering under oppression, through peaceful demonstrations and rallies, ensuring the voice of solidarity resonates across the nation.