IIUI’s Female Campus Engages in Spiritual and Educational Lectures During Ramadan

Islamabad, The Directorate of Student Affairs and Faculty of Usuluddin at the International Islamic University Islamabad’s (IIUI) Female Campus conducted a series of enlightening lectures in the Fatima tuz Zohra Auditorium during the holy month of Ramadan, drawing significant attendance from faculty and students.

According to International Islamic University Islamabad, the lecture series featured prominent speakers from the faculty, including Dr. Fouzia Saeed, Dr. Salma, Dr. Taimia Sabiha, Dr. Soumia Aziz, Dr. Saleha Batool, and Dr. Sobia Qurban. These sessions were designed to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of Ramadan’s jurisprudence, aligning daily practices with the Sunnah and the teachings of the Quran.

The initiative was marked by active participation and the distribution of Ramadan Manuals to help attendees navigate the religious and spiritual dimensions of the month. Topics covered included practical tips for maximizing spiritual growth during Ramadan, understanding the jurisprudence of fasting, and clarifying common misconceptions about the month’s observances.

The interactive nature of the lectures allowed for an engaging exchange between the speakers and students, promoting a deeper appreciation of Ramadan’s significance and practices based on scholarly insights and traditional Islamic teachings.