Bahria University Karachi Seeks Civil Engineer and Manager SSC to Enhance Campus Operations

Karachi, Bahria University Karachi Campus is currently seeking to fill two key positions within its staff: a Civil Engineer and a Manager for the Student Support Center (SSC). The university aims to bolster its infrastructure development and student services by recruiting qualified individuals who can bring expertise and innovation to these roles.

According to Bahria University, the Civil Engineer position requires candidates with a BE/BS in Civil Engineering, preferably holding a Master’s in Construction or Engineering Management. The role demands at least five years of relevant experience, proficiency in MS Office and Primavera P6, and a solid understanding of FIDIC documents and civil engineering tools. The successful candidate will be responsible for assisting in designing and executing construction projects, maintaining quality assurance standards, and managing budgets and schedules for construction activities.

The Manager SSC position seeks individuals with a minimum of 18 years of education, preferably with an MS/M.Phil., and at least five years of experience at the university level in handling academic and student affairs or similar responsibilities at a corporate level. This role involves preparing schedules for non-academic activities, supervising campus events, maintaining student non-academic profiles, and ensuring the implementation of university policies on non-academic events. The manager will also be responsible for updating the SSC’s social media and web presence, automating SSC operations, and liaising with the BU alumni community.

Both positions are critical in supporting Bahria University’s mission to provide a conducive learning environment and robust infrastructure. The application deadline for these vacancies is forthcoming, and interested candidates are encouraged to prepare their submissions promptly to meet the university’s staffing needs for the upcoming academic year.
