World Soil Day 2021 

Skardu, December 10, 2021 (PPI-OT):World Soil Day 2021 is celebrated at Anchan Campus Skardu by the Department of Biological Sciences, the MS botany students led by Dr. Ishtiaq Hussain Mondoq, Associate Professor Department of Biological sciences. Dr. Ishtiaq Hussain, Dr. Akbar Zaigham, Dr. Askari, Mr. Sajjad, and Mr. Ajmal along with Ms. and BS students participated. Mr. Muhammad Naseem MS Scholar elaborated on the importance of soil and challenges to maintaining healthy soil in Baltistan.

Dr. Haji Karim Khan Chief Guest appreciates the efforts of biological science faculty and students on the celebration of international soil day. Abdullah Karim Guest speaker and Akhond M. Hussain Hakim and Dr. Haji Karim, Controller Exams Emphasized to use of the Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Systems of Baltistan and connected Organic farming in Gilgit Baltistan.

Both the local farmers with experts explained the importance and the use of organic fertilizers in Gilgit Baltistan. Organic fertilizer not only increases Crip production but also improves soil health and Environmental pollution and increases in production of Agriculture Products. Program Lead and Chief Organizer Dr. Ishtiaq Hussain Mondoq Associate Professor Department of Biological sciences UoBS.

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University of Baltistan, Skardu (UOBS)
Tel: +92-5815-960071 – 72
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