Health & Safety

World High Blood Pressure Day Marked with Key Health Event at Badin Hospital

Badin, Dr. Sikandar Ali Mandhro Civil Hospital Badin, managed by Indus Hospital and Health Network, observed World High Blood Pressure Day with a focused event to raise awareness about the risks of hypertension. The event highlighted the prevalence and dangers associated with high blood pressure, emphasizing the need for urgent public health interventions.

According to Indus Hospital and Health Network, Dr. Arshad Khuwaja, the cardiac in-charge at the hospital, shared concerning statistics indicating that over a quarter of Pakistan’s adult population suffers from high blood pressure, driven by factors like stress, poor diet, and lack of physical activity. Dr. Khuwaja called for immediate action to address these issues to prevent severe health outcomes associated with prolonged hypertension.

During the event, Dr. Shahnawaz Karim Mazari discussed the long-term effects of unmanaged high blood pressure, including its potential to cause chronic kidney disease, heart failure, and strokes. He stressed the importance of regular health checks and lifestyle adjustments to manage or prevent hypertension.

The day’s activities also included educational sessions aimed at increasing community understanding of hypertension. These discussions served as a vital platform for healthcare providers and community members to explore effective strategies for managing and preventing high blood pressure.

The commitment of Dr. Sikandar Ali Mandhro Civil Hospital Badin and the Indus Hospital and Health Network to cardiovascular health was evident as they engaged participants in meaningful ways to combat the hypertension epidemic.