Internal Affairs

Raza Rabbani Criticizes PTI’s Letter to IMF as Foreign Intervention

Islamabad, Former Chairman Senate Mian Raza Rabbani has strongly criticized the reported intention of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to write to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), describing it as an explicit call for foreign intervention in Pakistan’s domestic matters. Rabbani’s condemnation comes amid concerns over PTI’s actions regarding the country’s financial agreements and political maneuvers.

According to Pakistan Peoples Party, Rabbani referenced past instances where PTI-led provincial governments were reportedly instructed to communicate with the IMF, indicating their inability to adhere to the conditions of an existing agreement. He also highlighted actions taken by the PTI government when faced with a potential loss of power due to a no-confidence motion, accusing them of deliberately breaching the IMF agreement to undermine the country’s financial stability.

Rabbani suggested that such actions could be part of a broader agenda to push Pakistan towards default when the PTI is not in control of the government. He emphasized that international financial institutions and foreign countries do not have the jurisdiction to meddle in Pakistan’s internal affairs, asserting the nation’s sovereignty and rejecting any notion of dependency on external entities.

“Pakistan is not a lackey state but a sovereign country,” Rabbani stated, underscoring the importance of maintaining the nation’s autonomy and dignity in the face of external pressures.