Punjab University to Host Seminar on Non-Traditional Security Challenges in South Asia

Lahore: The Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS) at the University of the Punjab is set to host a one-day seminar this Friday, focusing on non-traditional security challenges in South Asia. The event aims to shed light on complex security issues facing the region beyond conventional military threats.

According to University of the Punjab, the seminar will feature Mr. Ihsan Ghani, former National Coordinator of the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NACTA), as the guest speaker. Mr. Ghani is expected to provide in-depth insights into various security challenges, such as cyber threats, environmental changes, and regional political instability, that are increasingly significant in South Asian contexts.

The seminar is part of the university’s ongoing efforts to enhance understanding of critical regional issues and to foster dialogue among scholars, students, and security professionals. It seeks to offer a comprehensive overview of the dynamics at play in South Asia’s security environment.