Punjab University to Host Defense on Nutritional Intervention for Malnutrition in South Punjab

Lahore, Ms. Munazza Batool’s research on addressing severe acute malnutrition in South Punjab will be the focal point at her upcoming Ph.D. public defense at Punjab University. Scheduled for April 23, 2024, this significant academic event will present Batool’s findings on nutritional interventions for one of the region’s most pressing health issues.

According to University of the Punjab, the defense of Ms. Batool’s dissertation, titled “Nutritional Intervention for the Treatment of Uncomplicated Severe Acute Malnutrition in South Punjab Pakistan,” will take place at 1:00 pm in the Committee Room of the Institute. The event is open to faculty members, as well as M.Phil and Ph.D. scholars, who are interested in the critical area of public health and nutrition.

The defense is expected to contribute to the ongoing efforts in combatting malnutrition, particularly among vulnerable populations in Pakistan’s southern region. It underscores the university’s commitment to scholarly research that aims to tackle real-world challenges.
