Punjab University to Evaluate Dissertation on Health Workers’ Education Intervention

Lahore, A pivotal Ph.D. public defense is slated for April 23, 2024, at the Institute of Social & Cultural Studies, University of the Punjab, where Mr. Syed Babar Ali will present his research on educational interventions for health workers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.

According to University of the Punjab, The University of the Punjab has announced that the topic of Mr. Ali’s dissertation, “An Educational Intervention of Health Workers to Address the Social Determinants of Health: A Mixed Method Study in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan,” will be examined at 11:00 am in the Committee Room of the institute. Faculty members, as well as M.Phil and Ph.D. scholars, have been invited to attend the defense, which aims to scrutinize and discuss the proposed strategies for improving public health through targeted education of health workers.

Mr. Ali’s research is expected to shed light on the effectiveness of educational programs in enhancing the capacity of health workers to address the complex social factors affecting health outcomes in the region.
