Punjab University Seminar Highlights Preservation of Lahore’s Cultural Heritage

Lahore, The Department of Archaeology at Punjab University, in collaboration with Rational Dialogue, hosted a seminar titled “Lahore’s Heritage” to explore and discuss the preservation of the city’s cultural history and modern heritage. The event featured a lineup of esteemed speakers, including experts from various fields related to archaeology and heritage conservation.

According to University of the Punjab, the seminar was attended by notable personalities such as Deputy Director of Punjab Archaeology Muhammad Iqbal Manj, Chairman of the PU Department of Archaeology Dr. Muhammad Hameed, and former Director of Lahore Museum Muhammad Usman, among others. These experts provided insights into the importance of preserving Lahore’s rich historical tapestry and discussed upcoming initiatives aimed at heritage conservation.

Muhammad Iqbal Manj emphasized the need for sustained efforts in preserving cultural heritage and informed attendees about future programs planned by his department. Dr. Muhammad Hameed reaffirmed the Department of Archaeology’s commitment to playing a crucial role in raising awareness and preserving Pakistan’s cultural heritage, announcing plans for future activities in collaboration with various institutions.

The seminar also included discussions on the historical significance of iconic locations in Lahore, such as old Ravi Lahore and Jalianwala Bagh, led by historian Anjum Rehmani and researcher Talha Shafiq. Architect Dr. Rizwan Azeem outlined practical measures for the preservation of Lahore’s heritage structures.

The event was well-received, with participants appreciating the informative discussions and the efforts of Punjab Archaeology to bring such important issues to the forefront of public and academic discourse.
