Internal Affairs

PPP Expresses Frustration Over Federal Government’s Neglect in Parliamentary Committee Meeting

Islamabad, In a significant gathering at the National Assembly’s Committee Room, Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari presided over the party’s parliamentary committee meeting, highlighting growing frustrations over the federal government’s lack of engagement on key national issues. The meeting, attended by notable figures including Bibi Asifa Bhutto Zardari, brought to light various concerns that party members face in their constituencies, ranging from agricultural grievances to budgetary exclusions.

According to Pakistan Peoples Party, Shazia Marri, Member of National Assembly and Secretary Information, articulated the collective concerns during a press briefing post-meeting. She voiced the party’s disappointment over the government’s indifference towards the PPP’s input in significant matters such as budget preparation and the federal Public Sector Development Program (PSDP). The lack of relief for farmers on crucial needs like fertilizers, tractors, and electricity was particularly emphasized as detrimental to their accountability to their constituencies.

Marri underscored the PPP’s ideological commitment to policies supporting solar energy and agriculture, expressing consternation over being sidelined in decision-making processes. This exclusion, she noted, raises questions about the government’s intentions regarding PPP’s future collaboration. She hinted at potential protest actions if the government continues to ignore PPP’s grievances and inputs.

Furthermore, Marri revealed that another meeting is scheduled before the upcoming budget session to offer the government another opportunity to consider PPP’s standpoints. The ongoing dissatisfaction among PPP members, especially from South Punjab, signals a critical juncture for the party’s continued external support to the federal government led by Shahbaz Sharif.

The PPP now stands at a crossroads, weighing its political strategy and the possible reconsideration of its support to ensure its commitments and policies are not only heard but integrated into the broader governmental agenda.