Minister for Education and Professional Training, Rana Tanveer Hussain, announced that Saudi Arabia had, in principle, agreed to recognize degrees of the Virtual University of Pakistan 

Lahore, June 28, 2022 (PPI-OT):Kingdom of Saudi Arabia agreed to review the recognition of Pakistani degrees based on the distance learning model from HEC-recognized universities. An official of the Education Ministry, who was part of the Pakistani delegation, told Dawn News that Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates (UAE) were not accepting graduates of Virtual University for jobs, however, the Education Minister successfully convinced Saudi Authorities that VU is recognized e-Learning University of Pakistan. Saudi officials, in principle, agreed that they would review their decision.

This is a big achievement for us as thousands of Pakistani Graduates of Virtual University will be able to get the opportunity to secure jobs in Saudi Arabia. Education Minister also called for the immediate formation of a Joint Working Group (JWG) to be constituted by officers of the Ministry of Education, Saudi officials, and representatives from respective embassies in both countries. The Education Minister said that Saudi Arabia counterparts have also agreed to resume 600 Scholarships being offered by Saudi universities through Higher Education Commission.

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Virtual University of Pakistan (VU)
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