
Caretaker Provincial Minister Visits Karachi Press Club, Commits to Journalists’ Welfare

Karachi, Muhammad Ahmad Shah, the Caretaker Provincial Minister for Information, Minorities Affairs, and Social Protection, and President of the Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi, recently visited the Karachi Press Club. He highlighted the club’s significance and pledged to address the concerns of journalists without bureaucratic barriers.

According to Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi, during his visit to the Karachi Press Club, Minister Shah expressed his admiration for the institution, recognizing it as one of the most distinctive press clubs worldwide. He noted its resilience in facing challenges and assured journalists of direct access to him, bypassing the need for appointments through his personal assistant. Shah, who shares a long-standing relationship with the Karachi Press Club, reiterated his commitment to frequent visits and interactions with the press community.

Shoaib Ahmed Khan, the Secretary of the Press Club, and Saeed Sarbazi, the President of the Press Club, acknowledged Shah’s enduring connection with the club and its members. They expressed confidence in his understanding of the journalists’ issues, including the resolution of housing plots for journalists. Minister Shah addressed the media’s role in providing constructive criticism and guidance to the government, stating that the government should not be offended by media scrutiny but rather see it as a means to improve.

Shah announced his intention to expedite ongoing projects in the province and address the healthcare needs of sick journalists, including journalist Ajmal Khattak. He plans to request the chief minister to prioritize journalists’ issues and treat the press club as a center for resolving these concerns in consultation with journalist colleagues. Furthermore, Shah committed to engaging with officials in media houses to discuss and resolve the challenges faced by working journalists. He mentioned the government’s outstanding payments to media houses, linking their settlement to the condition that these media houses clear any pending payments to journalists.

Shah also revealed plans to organize workshops at the Arts Council for the training of journalists, signifying a broader commitment to the professional development and welfare of the journalistic community.