Call to Action on International Day for Street Children Highlights Urgent Needs and Solutions

Islamabad, The International Day for Street Children, marked each year since 2012, continues to spotlight the severe challenges faced by millions of children living on the streets worldwide. This year, the focus is on fostering a sense of belonging for these children within their communities and ensuring they receive their rights as outlined in national and international policies.

According to Pak NGOs, Pakistan ranks alarmingly low on the Kids Rights Index, with over 1.5 million street children facing extreme poverty, abuse, and exploitation. The report emphasizes the urgent need for government action to address the root causes driving children onto the streets, such as economic instability, lack of access to education, and insufficient healthcare.

The report calls for comprehensive strategies to safeguard these vulnerable children, including the implementation of protective mechanisms, provision of shelters, and rehabilitation programs that align with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). It also highlights the critical role of education in breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty and empowering street children.

Furthermore, the societal stigma and discrimination against street-connected children must be addressed to foster inclusive and supportive environments where every child is valued and respected. The report aligns this advocacy with the ongoing Eid holidays, urging the public to remember the less fortunate during times of celebration and to commit to long-term solutions that ensure every child has the opportunity to thrive.