Altaf Shakur Advocates for the Revival of Student Unions to Combat Corruption

Karachi: Altaf Shakur, a prominent figure in the Pasban Democratic Party, emphasized the critical role of student unions in fostering genuine leadership from ordinary citizens, suggesting that their revival is essential for combating corruption within the political landscape.

According to Pasban Democratic Party, Shakur expressed concerns over the suppression of student protests and the historic banning of student unions in Pakistan, which he believes paved the way for elite dominance in politics. He argued that the prohibition of student unions during Zia-ul-Haq’s regime led to the political ascent of “so-called electables,” sidelining potential leaders emerging from the general populace.

Shakur advocated for enabling student unions to operate freely in educational institutions, highlighting that such groups serve as a training ground for future political leaders. He also supported taking firm action against those misleading students while opposing further restrictions on student political activities. Shakur’s stance is that educational institutions should facilitate student union elections annually to ensure active student participation in democracy.

Moreover, Shakur criticized the outdated educational curriculum, pointing out its disconnect with the job market requirements. He called for an overhaul that focuses on vocational training, entrepreneurship, and technical education relevant to today’s economic needs. Shakur’s vision includes replacing ineffectual degree programs with diplomas that are more aligned with job market demands, ensuring that graduates are equipped with practical skills rather than mere theoretical knowledge.