
World Bank Launches Fellowship for Development Economics Researchers

Washington, The World Bank has announced the Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSMFP), aiming to connect emerging development economics researchers from developing countries with its research economists. This initiative offers an unparalleled opportunity for fellows to engage in policy-relevant research within the World Bank’s Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC) over an eight-month period.

According to Pak NGOs, the RSMFP will host fellows in Washington, D.C., from September to May each year, allowing them to work under the guidance of the World Bank’s Development Impact (DIME) and Development Research Group departments. The program is designed to immerse fellows in high-quality research projects that address pivotal development questions and challenges faced by the developing world.

Fellows will benefit from direct supervision by DEC researchers, training in advanced research practices and technologies, and opportunities to network with leading academics and professionals. They will have the choice to be hosted by either the Development Research or Impact Evaluation departments, tailoring their experience to their research interests.

The program emphasizes capacity building, offering a one-week technical onboarding that includes training on reproducible research practices. Throughout their fellowship, participants will attend seminars and hands-on training sessions led by top economists, enhancing their research and analytical skills. Additionally, fellows will have the chance to contribute to the World Bank’s published work, co-author research papers, and engage in field missions or directly with World Bank clients.

An important aspect of the RSMFP is research dissemination. Fellows are encouraged to write a blog post based on their research findings, with the top four blogs each year being published on the World Bank’s Let’s Talk Development blog. This provides a platform for fellows to contribute to broader development policy discussions.

The fellowship offers a competitive compensation of $46,500 net of income taxes for the 2023-24 cohort, paid in monthly installments, excluding travel expenses. The World Bank’s HR Operations unit will assist with the G4 visa application process for selected candidates who will relocate to Washington, D.C., for the program.

Eligible applicants must be nationals of World Bank member countries, with a preference for those from developing nations, fluent in English, graduates or current PhD candidates in Economics or related fields, under the age of 35 by June 30, 2024, and able to relocate to Washington, D.C., for the fellowship duration.