
UOL discusses collaborative prospects with a Malaysian University 

Lahore, September 07, 2022 (PPI-OT):The University of Lahore (UOL) welcomed a delegation from the University of Malaysia Computer Science and Engineering, on August 27, 2022. The delegation was led by Dr. Lina Tio (Director of International Marketing), who met with Mr. Awais Raoof (Chairman, Board of Governors) to discuss areas of mutual interest in the fields of information technology, cyber security, robotics, and game development.

The purpose of the visit was to establish faculty exchange programs, scholarships, and industry-academia linkages. Prof. Dr. Ibrar Hussain (Dean, Faculty of Information Technology) and Prof. Dr. Nizam Uddin (Former/Founding Chairman, PHEC and Pro-Rector Superior University) were also present on the occasion.

For more information, contact:
The University of Lahore
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Tel: +92-42-111-865-865, +92-42-35322501 +92-42-35321761