Tehreek Nafaze Fiqhe Jafariya Appoints Convenors for International Decade of Sadiq-e-Ali Muhammad

Rawalpindi, Tehreek Nafaze Fiqh Jafaria has announced the appointment of provincial convenors for the International Decade of Sadiq-e-Ali Muhammad (PBUH), a series of events to commemorate the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (PBUH). The appointments are part of preparations for events to be held from 15 to 25 Shawwal.

According to Tehreek Nafaze Fiqhe Jafariya, the meeting led by Prof. Syed Samarul Hassan Naqvi reviewed plans for the observance of the International Tenth of Sadiq-e-All Muhammad (PBUH). Committees for all provinces, including Islamabad and Azad Kashmir, were established. Notable convenors include Zulfiqar Ali Raja for Islamabad, Allama Syed Baqir Ali Naqvi for Punjab, and representatives for other regions, including Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, and Azad Kashmir.

In his address, Prof. Naqvi praised the virtuous efforts of Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (PBUH) and the enduring legacy of his teachings. He also called for solidarity and vigilance among the Islamic community, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing religion and Shariah. The meeting concluded with a call for media coverage of the upcoming events and a unified stance against the desecration of holy sites and suppression in regions like Kashmir and Palestine.

The series of events is set to include funeral gatherings and protests to raise awareness about the destruction of holy places, aiming to reinforce the commitment to the teachings and principles of Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq (PBUH) and to address broader issues affecting the Islamic world.
