Tehreek-e-Insaf Leader Criticizes Internal Disarray Amid Party Crisis

Lahore, Musrat Jamshed Cheema, a senior leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), criticized fellow party member Sher Afzal Marwat for damaging remarks amidst a challenging time for the party and its founding chairman. Cheema’s comments come in the wake of the assassination of the party’s founding chairman, marking a period of significant turmoil within PTI.

According to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Cheema expressed dismay over Marwat’s statements, which he deemed as highly irresponsible during a critical period for the party. He highlighted that Muhammad bin Salman was notably the first leader to express concern and inquire about the wellbeing of the party’s chairman following the attack. Cheema lamented the lack of discipline evident within party ranks and called for divine intervention to alleviate the challenges faced by the founding chairman, hoping for his swift recovery and return to lead the party.

Cheema’s remarks underscore the internal conflicts and leadership challenges within PTI as it navigates through this significant crisis.