President Asif Ali Zardari Addresses Parliament, Calls for Unity and Reform in First Parliamentary Session

Islamabad, President Asif Ali Zardari addressed the joint session of Pakistan’s Parliament today, marking the start of the first parliamentary year with a call for unity and a comprehensive reform agenda aimed at overcoming the country’s economic and security challenges. In his speech, Zardari emphasized the importance of inclusive growth, the need for enhanced educational and health systems, and strengthening Pakistan’s position on international matters.

According to Pakistan Peoples Party, President Zardari’s address covered a broad range of topics, including his vision for economic revival through foreign investment and easing business regulations, climate resilience, and improving public sector education and healthcare. The President called on all members of Parliament to prioritize national over partisan interests and to collaborate on implementing substantial reforms to governance and social entitlement programs.

Zardari specifically highlighted the significance of addressing the needs of marginalized communities and underdeveloped regions, aiming to bridge the developmental gap within the country. He stressed the importance of moving forward with a spirit of political reconciliation and leveraging Pakistan’s strategic relationships internationally, notably with China, to ensure economic stability and regional peace.

The President also reiterated Pakistan’s stance on key international disputes, expressing solidarity with the Kashmiri struggle for self-determination and condemning the treatment of Palestinians. He urged continued diplomatic efforts to address these issues in line with United Nations resolutions.

Zardari’s speech was not only a reflection on his legislative priorities but also an outline of his foreign policy approach, emphasizing cooperation with neighboring countries and global powers to enhance Pakistan’s economic and strategic standing.