
Karachi Cardiologists Highlight the Deadly Impact of High Blood Pressure

Karachi, During an awareness walk organized by the Dow Institute of Cardiology, prominent cardiologists, including Pro-Chancellor of Dow University of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Jahanara, voiced concerns over the alarming global and local fatalities due to high blood pressure. They emphasized the crucial need for lifestyle changes to combat this silent killer.

According to Dow University of Health Sciences, the event marked World High Blood Pressure Day and sought to educate the public about the severity of hypertension, which claims 7.5 million lives worldwide annually. Prof. Dr. Jahanara highlighted that complications from high blood pressure lead to 50 million deaths each year globally, including heart attacks and strokes. The walk from Dr. Ishratul Ibad OT Complex to Hospital Gate in Ojha Campus saw large participation from medical staff and the public, where discussions underscored the preventable nature of these complications through healthier living habits.

Prof. Iftikhar Ahmed, Principal of Dow International Medical College, advocated for reduced salt intake, increased fruits and vegetables in diets, and regular exercise as effective measures to lower blood pressure. He stressed the importance of routine checks to manage blood pressure levels before they lead to critical health issues. The cardiologists collectively noted that better public awareness and proactive health management could significantly reduce the burden of high blood pressure.