Internal Affairs

Federal Ombudsman of Pakistan Reports Significant Increase in Complaint Resolution

Islamabad, Pakistan’s Wafaqi Mohtasib (Federal Ombudsman), Mr. Ejaz Ahmad Qureshi, reported a substantial increase in the processing and resolution of public complaints against government maladministration in 2023. He presented these findings in the Annual Report to President Asif Ali Zardari at Aiwan-e-Sadr, indicating an 18% increase in complaints received and a 22% increase in those disposed of compared to the previous year.

According to Pakistan Peoples Party, the Ombudsman’s office handled a record number of 194,099 complaints in 2023, resolving 193,028 of them. The Mohtasib, Mr. Qureshi, in his briefing to the President, outlined the performance and various initiatives undertaken to provide speedy and cost-free justice to citizens. The office’s adoption of technology played a significant role, with online complaints increasing by 47% and Mobile App submissions rising by 21%.

The Federal Ombudsman’s efforts included the expansion of regional offices, holding of Khuli Katcheries (open courts), the introduction of an Informal Resolution of Disputes mechanism, and proactive inspections by Mohtasib teams, which not only addressed grievances but also encouraged more people to register complaints. Additionally, Mr. Qureshi mentioned the successful processing of over 202,000 complaints from overseas Pakistanis via Pakistan Missions abroad and One Window Facilitation Desks at international airports.

President Zardari lauded the Ombudsman’s improved performance and stressed the importance of further extending its reach so more individuals can avail of the services offered by the Federal Ombudsman.