
Eighth Global Conference on Agriculture Set for July Start in Rawalkot

Rawalkot, The eighth international conference, themed “Agriculture as Livelihood, Smart Agriculture for Food,” is scheduled to begin on July 3, 2024, at the University of Poonch Rawalkot. This three-day event will feature extensive discussions on innovative agricultural practices with the participation of both national and international experts.

According to University of Poonch Rawalakot, the conference will focus on various critical aspects of agriculture such as crop production, conservation, breeding, and modern horticultural techniques. Experts will also explore the use of natural resources and artificial intelligence in boosting agricultural outputs.

Prof. Dr. Nasir Rahim, Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, emphasized the significance of these interactions, stating that they are crucial for enhancing agricultural methods and integrating contemporary developments into local farming practices. The conference aims to generate insights that could influence national policy-making related to agriculture.