
Convoys Set to Depart for 45th Anniversary of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s Martyrdom

Karachi, Preparations have been finalized for the departure of convoys from all districts of Karachi to Larkana Garhi Khuda Bakhsh to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the founder of the People’s Party, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, on April 14. The convoys will participate in a central rally where People’s Party Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari is scheduled to speak.

According to Pakistan Peoples Party, Deputy Secretary Information and Convener District East, Asif Khan, emphasized the significance of this year’s Martyrdom Day, highlighting the recent court acknowledgment of injustices against Bhutto. This year marks the first recognition of judicial wrongdoing in Bhutto’s case, underlining his contributions including the creation of Pakistan’s nuclear program and his efforts to democratize the political landscape previously dominated by elites.

This event follows a postponement due to the observance of Ramadan, with the new date set to ensure participation from across Karachi. Khan also reiterated the historical impact of Bhutto, stating his undiminished popularity and the continuing legacy as a symbol of people’s power, nearly 46 years after his judicial execution. The gathering aims to reflect on his enduring influence in Pakistan, especially noted as the country stands as a prominent nuclear power in the Islamic world.