
Asifa Bhutto Zardari Wins NA-207 By-Election Unopposed, Vows to Serve Nation

Karachi, Asifa Bhutto Zardari, the daughter of the late Benazir Bhutto, has won the NA-207 by-election unopposed, marking a significant moment in her political career and the history of the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP). Asif Khan, Deputy Secretary Information of the PPP Karachi Division and Convener District Sharqi, expressed his congratulations to Asifa and emphasized the significance of her victory for the party and the nation.

According to Pakistan Peoples Party, Asif Khan highlighted Asifa Bhutto Zardari’s emerging role in parliamentary politics, drawing parallels between her and her mother, Benazir Bhutto. He pointed out that Asifa’s unopposed success in the by-election reflects the enduring popularity of the PPP among the public. Asifa Bhutto Zardari’s political journey began in earnest at a Multan rally, where she vowed to continue her mother’s legacy and fight for the rights of the Pakistani people.

Khan also mentioned that Asifa Bhutto Zardari attributes her success to the party’s supporters and the citizens of Pakistan, committing to address the nation’s challenges and work directly in constituencies to resolve public issues. This commitment underscores her dedication to public service and her role as a representative voice in the country’s political landscape.