
An awareness session and walk on International Day for Biodiversity by CIDS, IUB

Bahawalpur, May 25, 2023 (PPI-OT): Cholistan Institute of Desert Studies (CIDS) has organized an awareness session and walk on the International Day of Biodiversity. Director CIDS Dr. Muhammad Abdullah briefed that the Islamia University of Bahawalpur is playing a great role in the conservation of fauna and flora of Cholistan desert at IUB Biodiversity Park. IUB Biodiversity Park at Fort Derawer has become a success story due to the great efforts of Worthy Vice Chancellor Engr. Prof. Dr. Athar Mahboob. Later Prof. Dr. Tanveer Hussain Turabi Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, Prof. Dr. Shazia Anjum Dean Faculty of Chemical and Biological Sciences, Prof. Dr. Abdul Rauf Director Institute of Chemistry, Dr. Abdul Ghaffar Chairman Zoology, Dr. Nargis Naz Chairperson Botany, Dr. M. Rafay share their views about the importance of Biodiversity.

On this event Conservationist Major Tahir majeed (HFIP), Delegation of PCRWR, Dr. Azfal ASARI has also contributed and shared their views. A large number of faculty members and students participated in this session. Honourable Deans, Directors and Chairpersons collectively acknowledge the facilitation and support of Houbara Foundation International Pakistan for the students and researchers of The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB). In concluding remarks Prof. Dr. Abdul Rauf (member Syndicate) suggested that Major Tahir Majeed (HFIP) should be awarded honorary doctorate degree in recognition of his services for conservation. IUB Environmental Protection Society has also joined this session and contributed a lot for organizing this whole event.

For more information, contact:

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur (IUB)

University Chowk, Gulshan Colony, Bahawalpur,

Punjab – 63100, Pakistan

Tel: +92-62-9250235

Fax: +92-62-9250335

