
A majority (92%) of Pakistanis think that Pakistani youth are patriotic: Gallup and Gilani Pakistan

Islamabad, May 25, 2023 (PPI-OT): According to a survey conducted by Gallup and Gilani Pakistan, a majority (92%) of Pakistanis think that the youth of the country is patriotic.

A nationally representative sample of adult men and women from across the country was asked the question, “Please tell, in your opinion, to what extent are the youth of our country patriotic?” In response, 75% said very patriotic, 17% said patriotic to some extent, 5% said not patriotic at all and 3% did not respond or said that they did not know.

Question: “Please tell, in your opinion, to what extent are the youth of our country patriotic?”

For more information, contact:

Head Office,

Gallup Pakistan

Islamabad, Pakistan

Tel: +92-51-8445080

