Pasban Democratic Party Criticizes Caretaker Government’s Economic Policies

Karachi, The Vice Chairman of the Pasban Democratic Party, Khalil Ahmad Thand, criticized the caretaker government for implementing policies that have led to increased inflation, particularly criticizing the recent hikes in the prices of essential commodities such as electricity, gas, and petroleum products. Thand argued that these measures, aimed at satisfying the International Monetary Fund (IMF), are placing an unbearable burden on the populace, with some being driven to desperation.

According to Pasban Democratic Party, Thand questioned the autonomy of the country’s decision-making in the face of IMF’s stringent conditions, suggesting that if the IMF is to dictate terms, it might as well appoint its own viceroy. He contended that the caretaker government should refrain from making significant loan-related decisions, leaving them instead to the incoming elected government. Thand labeled the IMF’s terms as unacceptable, unenforceable, and unintelligible, especially criticizing the proposed interest rates that align with the high inflation rate, rhetorically asking if mass suicides are expected as a result.

Thand advocated for broadening the tax net and combating corruption, questioning the fairness of the existing system where primarily the salaried class bears the tax burden. He called for an acceleration in the privatization process, noting that sick industries under national control consume five hundred billion rupees annually. He also stressed the importance of merit-based appointments to decision-making positions and the inclusion of intellectuals in government decision-making processes.

Reacting to the recent increases in petrol and gas prices by the caretaker government, Thand queried whether the caretaker rulers were aiming to save the country from bankruptcy or to further bankrupt it. He highlighted the plight of citizens earning a modest income, who are now faced with disproportionate utility bills, and anticipated further price hikes in food items following the increase in petroleum product prices.

Thand called for an alternative solution if available from economists; otherwise, he suggested the abolition of what he described as the “cruel state allowance.” Expressing a lack of faith in the current political leadership, which he noted has failed repeatedly when in power, Thand emphasized the need for a new government that can regain the trust of the common Pakistani. He concluded by urging the immediate withdrawal of the increased rates on petrol, electricity, and gas to provide relief to the people.