Karachi: Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi’s Literary Committee (Fiction) recently organized a “Salgirah Mushaira” at Café Gul Rang, celebrating the birthdays of poets born in January. The event gathered literary and social figures in a unique celebration of poetry.
According to a statement by Arts Council of Pakistan Karachi, the mushaira was inaugurated by Muhammad Ahmed Shah, the President of the Arts Council, who commenced the evening by cutting a birthday cake for the poets. Dr. Fatima Hassan presided over the event, while the evening was moderated by Mansoor Sahir.
The mushaira featured prominent poets such as Waheed Noor, Shahab Iqtedar Qadar, and Dr. Saeed Ahmad Saadi, among others. Their verses captivated the audience, who responded with enthusiastic applause.
The Literary Committee (Fiction) plans to continue hosting monthly Salgirah Mushairas. This ongoing initiative aims to provide poets a platform to share their works and celebrate the enduring art of poetry.