HRCP Demands Immediate Action to Protect Minorities in Pakistan

Islamabad: On National Minorities Day, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) issued a call for urgent government measures to safeguard the rights of religious minorities. The organization highlighted a series of challenges including mob violence, forced conversions, and false blasphemy allegations that have intensified fears among these communities.

According to Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, the rights to practice, profess, and propagate religion are constitutionally protected under Articles 20 and 21, further supported by Supreme Court rulings and international commitments. Despite these protections, minorities face escalating violence and discrimination, compelling the HRCP to demand stronger enforcement of laws and new protective measures. Key recommendations include enforcing the 2014 Supreme Court judgment on minority rights, establishing multifaith peace committees, and enhancing legal and educational reforms to promote equality and curb hate speech.

The HRCP’s National Interfaith Working Group, which includes leaders from various faiths and professions, emphasizes the need for immediate government action to fulfill these recommendations, thereby reinforcing Pakistan’s foundational vision of religious and ethnic diversity.