
Altaf Shakoor Advocates for Modernized Police Training in Karachi to Tackle Crime

Karachi: Altaf Shakoor, the Chairman of the Pasban Democratic Party (PDP), has called for comprehensive reforms in the training of Karachi police to effectively combat the city’s rising crime rates. Shakoor emphasized the need for a separate urban policing department, integration of modern technologies like artificial intelligence in training, and recruitment through the Public Service Commission to ensure a capable and educated police force.

According to Pasban Democratic Party, Shakoor criticized the outdated training methods currently employed at Karachi’s police training schools, which he argued are inadequate for dealing with modern urban crime. He pointed out that the lack of modern data analysis, surveillance technology, and artificial intelligence in the training curriculum has left the police force ineffective. Shakoor proposed a significant overhaul, suggesting that modernization efforts be supported by China, which he described as having one of the most efficient police forces in the world.

Further addressing the issue of corruption within the police force, Shakoor argued that systemic corruption from the top down has hindered any progress toward modernization. He stated that without establishing a corruption-free environment, efforts to develop an effective police force would be futile. He also recommended sending selected police personnel to China for advanced training, aiming to create a cadre of master trainers skilled in modern policing methods.

The proposed reforms include making artificial intelligence and data analysis mandatory aspects of the police training syllabus, ensuring that new recruits are trained by foreign experts, particularly from China, to elevate the standard of policing to meet contemporary needs.

Shakoor’s call for reform underscores a critical need for structural and educational changes within the Karachi police department to manage the city’s complex security challenges more effectively.